Pranayama: Getting Started!
Pranayama is a Better Breathing Practice. One unit of Pranayama has four Parts: Inhale, Hold, Exhale, Hold One Set of Pranayama consists of five units of Pranayama continuously One Session of Pranayama consists of three sets of Pranayama intercepted with a few minutes of normal breathing, where the Person practicing pranayama will be keenly observing the breath until it becomes no breathing or very light breathing *During the practice one has to keep the Spinal Column straight - A sitting posture is suggested *It is recommended that a Health Seeker should practice at least 3 sessions of Pranayama in a day *During the practice one must be aware of the Expansion and Shrinking of Lungs *Any form of Violence in extending the duration of Inhalation, Exhalation and Holding with intellectual understanding or willpower is strongly discouraged, One must slowly progress at the comfort *A better environment, a ventilated room or an ...