I am responsible for my Health & Sickness!

Yes, you read it right. I am responsible for my Health & Sickness . Often, we feel victimized and blame the external factors, environment, people around, ... for our Sickness. Sometimes we also feel stuck with the question Why this to Me? The mind keeps repeating this question and exhausts itself. Does this kind of behavior help us in any way? Does this Victim mindset help us regain our Health? Does excessive worrying help us get better? Does it solve any of our problems, even a small percentage? The more we embrace this victim state, we are delaying/ denying the healing process and attracting more sickness, pain, unhappiness, suffering, ... With No/ Limited Consciousness we have somehow attracted all the Sickness & Suffering we go through, but we have a choice to restore ourselves. By accepting the idea "I am responsible for my Health and Sickness" we are granting permission to be healed, to restore/ regain our health, and ...