A Typical Natural Life Style Daily schedule will be as follows, Wake up without an alarm Elimination Tona (Optional) Physical Activity - Walking, Jogging, Games, Yoga, Tai Chi, Swimming, etc.. First Meal - Green Juice Sun Bath Therapies (Optional) Relaxation Deep Breathing Practice Bathing Second Meal - Mono Fruit Work Third Meal - Raw Vegetable Salad Work Physical Activity, Games, Dance, Movement, Swimming, etc.. Therapies (Optional) Fourth Meal - Conservatively Cooked Meal Elimination Tona (Optional) Relax - Creative Occupation, Music, Dance, Satsang, Fun, .. Meditation Reflection Sleep "Our Physical, Mental & Spiritual Health is One and Inseparable" - Arun Sharma With Love, Vinoth Kumar V S, Wellness Coach +91 95978 50102